Useful Information
This page contains miscellaneous useful information, if there's something particular that you're looking for, its worth looking at our Contents page.
Complaints and Compliments
We get very many verbal compliments, but not many written ones. Below are links to our complaint and compliment forms, and also an information leaflet about complaints.
District Nurses and Gateway to care
- The district nurses (who are run by Locala), can be contacted on 0300 304 5555.
- Social services (which calls itself Gateway to Care), can be contacted by phoning 01484 414933.
There are also private care givers.
Do you get discomfort walking or running?
Podiatrists are expert in the biomechanics of the foot. We are very fortunate in Huddersfield to have a university department of Podiatry. They open up their services to the community. They charge a nominal fee, and will be very interested in your problem, and will work with you to solve it.
The department can be contacted by phoning 01484 472201 or by e-mailing
Care Phones

A care phone is the name of the phone that goes with the call for help pendants that you may have seen some people wearing.
To find out more about them please visit the Kirklees Council Care phone website.
Other useful contacts
- Kirklees Citizens Advice Bureau 08701 264851
- Huddersfield Police 0845 6060606
- Huddersfield Samaritans 01484 533388 or 116 123
- Victim Support 01484 511112
- 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247