Clinics and Services
The plethora of clinics and services we offer are scheduled at various times. Please ask the receptionist for more information.
Our Online Services

We have lots of different ways we can communicate with our patients. We offer face-to-face, telephone, SMS, video and online consultations.
See the consultations page for more details.
Doctor services

We offer all the services you would expect to find in any general practice. Additional doctor services we offer are:
- Minor surgery
- Joint injections
- Cryotherapy - e.g. freezing skin lesions
- Coil or IUD insertions and removal
- Ring pessary changing
- Contraceptive implants (nexplanon)
- Private medical examinations - say for insurance or occupational purposes
- Maternity care
- Child Health Surveillance
Nursing Services

- Cervical Smears
- Travel and routine vaccinations
- Blood tests
- Blood pressure checks
- 24hr blood pressure monitoring
- Lung function testing (spirometry)
- Ear Syringing
- Wound care and dressings
- Asthma checks
- Diabetes care
- COPD Care
- Routine Health Checks
- Heart disease checks
- Family Planning Services
- Sexual Health screening and counselling
- HRT and menopause checks
- Health Promotion
- Injections
- Removal of sutures
- Smoking cessation clinics
- Circulation checks (ABPI monitoring)
....and many, many more services.
Maternity Services

The ante-natal clinic is held jointly with our Community Midwife on Wednesday afternoon by appointment.