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Substance Misuse

Lonely Person

Addicted to drugs - get help

If you have a drug problem, there's a lot of help and support available on the NHS. Here's where to find it.

Chart Kirklees

Local Drugs Service

The drug service that serves our area is called CHART Kirklees.

Their contact information is:

CHART Kirklees
Community Links AET
Huddersfield office
2 St Peter's Street
To phone them dial 01484 437907.

They operate a self-referral system. To refer yourself either phone 01484 353333 or E-mail (they ask that 'Huddersfield Client' be put in the subject box, and as much information as possible in the body of the email - including your full contact details).

Cannabis: the facts

How cannabis affects you, the risks, plus where to find help if you are trying to quit weed.

Cocaine addiction: get help

Find out what NHS treatment is available if you want to stop using cocaine, crack and other stimulants, such as amphetamines.

Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction: get help

Where to get help for heroin and opiate addiction, including information on methadone, detox, talking therapies, self-help and rehab.

The effects of drugs

The effects of drugs

Find out about the most widely used illegal drugs in England and Wales, and how they affect your health.

Drugs and the Brain

Drugs and the brain

Experts talk about the effects of recreational drugs on the brain, from paranoia to depression.

How to Talk to Children about drugs

How to talk to your child about drugs

Tips to help you talk openly about drugs with your child.

Advice for families of drug users

Advice for families of drug users

Advice for families or carers of drug users, including where to find further information and support.

Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic Steroids

Find out all the reasons why it's best to avoid anabolic steroids, from what you will end up looking like when you stop using them, through infertility and shrivelled testicles to risk of sudden death from an overgrown heart.