Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
Locally, young person's mental health services are organized into tears.
Access into the services for all people is though the level two service ChEWS. If necessary, the level two service will refer onto the level three Service, CAMHS.
Child Mental Health

Children's Mental Health Issues include:
- Stress and Anxiety
- Depression
- Post-traumatic Stress
- A.D.H.D. - see NHS website for more information
- Behavioural Problems
- Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Aspergers syndrome
- Selective Mutism - see the SIMRA website for further information
If you are worried that your child may be suffering from A.D.H.D., there is an assessment service, but it only accepts referrals through schools. This is because a large part of the assessment is done at the school. Please ask the school nurse, your child's teacher, or the schools SENs coordinator for more details.
All other referrals into tier two services go through Northorpe Hall Trust (see below for further information).
Adolescent Mental Health

Adolescent Mental Health Issues include:
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relationship problems
- Eating disorders
- Hallucinations, delusions and Hearing voices
- Drug abuse
All referrals into tier two services go through Northorpe Hall Trust (see below for further information).
Northorpe Hall Trust

Northorpe Hall Trust accepts referrals from:
- Parents
- Schools (usually via the school nurse)
- Colleges
- The young person themself (in the case of teenagers)
- Doctors and Nurses
They have produced a helpful information sheet.
Generally we encourage patients and parents to contact the service directly (because the person taking the referral inevitably asks questions/details that we don't know the answer to).
To contact them phone 01924 492183 (Monday - Friday, 9am-5pm.)
For more information on referrals see Northorpe Hall website.
Thriving Kirklees
Thriving Kirklees is there to offer support for children, young people and families.