Travel Advice
Travel information for those travelling abroad
The travel service, run by the practice nurses, at the surgery suit the majority of our patients. But for a few patients, going to very exotic locations, we may need to advice you to go elsewhere for a small number of specialist travel vaccinations.

To get the maximum benefit from the service we ask you to book in good time before you travel. It is also a good idea to check out the information on the Fit for travel website before you book your appointment.
Our Service

We offer:
- General advice - as well as verbal advice, our nurses will also offer you a very helpful information sheet
- The commonly needed vaccinations such as:
- Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP)
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Typhoid Fever
- Malaria prophylaxis
Please note that the DTP vaccination is free, but that there is a fee payable for the other immunisations.
Exotic Vaccinations
For more unusual vaccinations, such as to:
- Yellow Fever
- Tick-Borne Encephalitis
- Rabies
- Japanese Encephalitis
You will need to visit a specialist travel clinic, such as:
- MASTA Travel Clinic
The Huddersfield branch is in the Pharmacy at the Shorehead branch of Sainsbury's
Certain vaccinations can also be given at places such as at Boots or Superdrug. You should ask them directly what they have on offer.