In-house Pharmacy
There is a friendy and convenient pharmacy in the entrance to Shepley Health Centre. Because it suits most people, most prescriptions generated by the surgery are generally passed to the pharmacy. The pharmacy then dispense the prescribed items, so that they are ready when the patient or their representative calls later.
If it suits you better, you can take any prescription to any pharmacy in the country.
Prescription charges
For patients not entitled to free NHS Prescriptions, the current cost of an NHS prescription (payable to the pharmacy) is £9 per item.
Pre-payment certificates are available at a cost of £29.10 for 3 months or £104 for 12 months.
For more information click here.
Electronic Prescription Service
You can set up with any pharmacy, or with the surgery, a nominated pharmacy. When you do this, any prescriptions we generate for you can be sent electronically straight to the pharmacy. This can be very convenient if you nominate a pharmacy close to where you live or work. Even if your nominated pharmacy is not the one in Shepley Health Centre, you can still take prescriptions generated in a consultation to Shepley Pharmacy if you so wish.
It is even possible to temporarily nominate a pharmacy away from home. One advantage of this is that if you go to visit a different part of the UK and find you need a prescription, then it can be sent electronically to the pharmacy near where you are staying.
Opening times and Out of Hours
Shepley Pharmacy is open Monday to Friday 9am-1pm and 2pm-6pm.
When the pharmacy is closed, you may like to take your prescriptions to a pharmacy with extended opening times, such as the ones listed below:
- Lockwood Pharmacy: Mon-Sat 8am-Midnight, Sun 9am-10pm
Phone 01484 480567 - Tesco's Huddersfield: Mon-Sat 8am-8pm, Sun 10am-4pm
Phone 01484 870003 - Denby Dale Pharmacy: Mon-Thur 8:30am-1pm and 2pm-6pm
Fri 8:30am-12:30pm and 2:30pm-6pm, Sat 9am-12:30pm
Phone 01484 865785