Online Consultations
Patient Access Logo Evergreen Life Logo
Patient Access Logo Evergreen Life Logo
Picture of outside of the Health Centre


Fundraising for McMillan Cancer Support


You have helped us raise a whopping £315.31 for an absolutely amazing cause.

Thank you to Leah who has manned the stand all day and to the master bakers who have donated their time to provide all the yummy treats for us.

Influenza Vaccination Campaign 2024

We are now booking appointments for "flu jabs", in anticipation of receiving our stock in the autumn.

Eligibility for a free NHS Influenza Vaccination

  • Aged 65 and over
  • Pregnant women
  • all children aged 2 or 3 years on 31 August 2024
  • primary school aged children (from Reception to Year 6)
  • secondary school aged children (from Year 7 to Year 11)
  • all children in clinical risk groups aged from 6 months to less than 18 years
  • those aged 18 years to under 65 years in clinical risk groups

New Vaccine Available

From the 1st September we will be able to vaccinate susceptible people against RSV.

The vaccine will be available to:

  • People aged between 75 and 79 years
  • Pregnant ladies (this is intended to protect the baby once he/she has been born)

If you fall within these categories, please book an appointment today.

For more information click the link below

Dementia Cafe

time for tea and biscuits

Drop in session for information and advice for people living with dementia and their carers at Shepley Health Centre

  • Tuesday 30th July 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Tuesday 27th August 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm (with Carers count mental health service)
  • Tuesday 24th September 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm
  • Tuesday 22nd October 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm

For more information contact Roger Abbott, Care Coordinator on 07790 948874

The MAST PCN Community Garden

Drop in sessions

At The MAST Jubilee Garden, HD8 9DA, Next to Skelmanthorpe Family Doctors.

Social Prescribing Link Worker

  • Drop in between 10:00 - 12:00 every Wednesday 31st July to 28th August 2024
  • Find out what social prescribing has to offer
  • We work with all ages, including 18 and under.

Mental Health and Wellbeing link workers

  • Drop in between 10:00 - 12:00 Tuesday 6th August 2024

Pharmacy First

Since 31st January 2024 there's a new service called Pharmacy First. Participating pharmacies will be able to assess and treat 7 condition, and for the first time, where appropriate, be able to issue some prescription-only medicines such as antibiotics.

Pharmacy First Logo

These conditions are:

  • Sinus problems and sinusitis
  • Sore throat and tonsilitis
  • Earache and ear infections
  • Infected insect bites
  • Impetigo
  • Shingles
  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infections (cystitis) in women

Patients can present themselves directly to the pharmacy with these contitions to receive treatment. If patients contact the surgery with any of the above conditions, the receptionist will set up the referral, and it is expected that they will be seen within a few hours.

Facebook Group

Facebook Logo

We are currently trialing a ShepleyHealthCentre Facebook group. This will enable to to publicise information that is of value to our general practice population. The same information will also be available on the surgery website. It is not set up in a way that will enable people to communicate with us. For that we would like people to either use PATCHs or go through the reception team.

Be wary of scammers

People have reported to us that they have received phone calls from people claiming to be from Shepley Health Centre. These people had tried to obtain personal information from the people they have called.

When we phone our patients we sometimes ask for confirmation of the callee's address or date of birth.

For people with caller ID on their phones, genuine calls from us will come up with the surgery's phone number, 01484 602001. If you are suspicious that a call you receive allegedly from us is hoax, you could terminate the call, and phone the surgery yourself.

Grief Cafe Womens wellbeing circle Veterans Mental Health Unpaid Carers


The MAST PCN logo

Groups of practices work together in groups called Primary Care Networks to provide services to their collective patients. They are based on a locality, and the aim is that services can be targeted to meet the needs of the local population.

Shepley Health Centre is a member of the MAST PCN. You can find out more information at

List size


There is a lot of house building going on in our practice area. We have already seen a big increase in the number of patients registered with the practice. With there being lots of houses still being build we anticipate our list size will continue to grow. There is a lag between our list size increasing and the practice being granted funding to increase staffing levels. So this growth could potentially affect how long people have to wait to get an appointment to see us.

Staffing changes

We are pleased to introduce Deborah Melia, our new practice manager. Here role is to ensure the whole practice runs smoothly and efficiently.

We've had a run of many of our long term staff reaching retirement age. We thank them for the dedication and the service they've given the practice over the years. We also welcome our new enthusiastic and very able team members, to take their places. They are, without exception, lovely people, who bring with them new ways of working, and are all motivated to do their best to help out patients.

Two-week wait target for GP appointments

Working with our neighbouring practices, as part of the Mast Primary Care Network, we are addressing the access to appointments changes in the new GP contract. As of the 1st April 2023 we need to be working towards offering patients "an assessment of need, or signposted to an appropriate service, at first contact with the practice". So the changes outlined below will not happen overnight.

The implications of the change are that:

  • We will be unable to give GP appointments to patients just because they want or feel they need one
  • You will not be able to book a review appointment straight away if it needs to be more than 2 weeks in advance
  • You may be offered a very different way to deal with your problem than you have experienced before
  • We will stop advising people to phone back another day to try get the service they prefer
  • We may have to offer you appointments in advance and not on the day you contact us

We are now required to see those who need to see us within two weeks, and to signpost those who don't to an appropriate service.

Our reception staff have received accredited NHS Care Navigation Training. They may, for example, offer you an appointment with a pharmacist, a physiotherapy or may feel you have a problem that is suitable to be dealt with via an online consultation (using PATCHS).

In most cases, if you use the PATCHS function on our website to submit details of your problem, you will receive a response within 24 hours, and often within a few hours. We encourage patients to use this facility. (It is possible that the outcome will be that we decide we do need to offer you a GP or Advanced Clinical Practitioner appointment).

Though the new way will be very different for both Patients and Practices, it may deliver speedier access to care, and solve the problem of sky rocketing demand for GP appointments.

Check your blood Pressure

Blood Pressure

It is a good idea for all adults, particularly those over the age of 45, to have their blood pressure checked regularly. Raised blood pressure does not necessarily have any symptoms, but can be a risk factor for developing a range of health problems including heart disease and strokes. We have set up a room at the surgery, where all our patients can pop-in, without an appointment, and check their own blood pressure.

For those who have purchased, or have access to their own home blood pressure monitor, we like to make an assessment of the blood pressure by analysing a weeks worth of home blood pressure readings. We have created a chart to record the readings. When complete these sheets can either be brought into the surgery, or sent to us using PATCHS

New online consultation and advice service

You can now obtain health advice and access surgery serices via our new online platform, PATCHS.

This replaces the old eCONSULT service that many of our patients have been using since the year 2020. There is a link to the service on every page of this website.

The first time you use the service you will need to create an account. Once you have done this using the service will be very quick and easy. Another advantage of having a PATCHS account is that we will be able to respond to your messages and requests in a more secure manner.

Link to eConsultation service
Cost of Living Support
Free Film Fridays
Healthier together logo

Healthier together is a NHS approved website that gives health advice about children, particularly when they're unwell.

New Long Term condition review process

The practice is streamlining how patients are reviewed for long term conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The plan is to review long term conditions according to the date of birth of patients. For example, if your month of birth is July, you can expect to receive an invite to attend an appointment with a practice nurse, who will review all your long-term conditions during the one appointment.

Prior to your review you may be sent an SMS message asking you to complete a questionnaire, which helps the nurse to prepare for your consultation.

By changing the long-term condition process, it is hoped that it will be easier for patients to remember when their review is due and attending fewer appointments will be more convenient. During the first year there will some overlap as some people may be invited soon after already having had a review. This will only happen during the first year of change.

Please be patient with us as we try to improve our service to you.

New Telephone System

New phone system

On the 14th and 15th December we are having a new telephone system installed. We are hoping that there will me a minimum of disruption during the installation period. We are changing the system so that we will have far more telephone lines, and so hope to reduce/eliminate the chance of people phoning the surgery getting the engaged tone.

Incoming calls will be stored in a queuing system, and this should give a fairer access to our appointments. The system will also record all our incoming and outgoing phone calls.

NHS Diabetes Advice Helpline

NHS England has launched a new helpline in response to disruption to normal diabetes services due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The service is for adults living with diabetes who use insulin to manage their condition and require immediate clinical advice.

Whether you or a member of your household have caught the virus, or routine care has been disrupted, the helpline is available to those needing help and guidance.

The service can be accessed via Diabetes UK support lines on 0345 123 2399 Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm.

Dental services are starting to re-open

Dental surgeries have started to see patients again following the Closure during the lockdown period. They are not doing routine care at the moment, and have changed their way of working to reduce the risk to transmitting the Covid 19 virus to their patients. For more details please see the website of your dental practice or phone the dental surgery and speak to the receptionsts.

Our Online Services

Video consultation service SMS Text messaging service Photo messaging service Online consultation service

We have lots of different ways we can communicate with our patients. We offer face-to-face, telephone, SMS, video and online consultations.

See the consultations page for more details.

Health at Home

A national campaign has been launched during the Covid 19 pandemic, to help people manage their health at home and easily access NHS services online. The Health at Home webpage gives information on how people can:

  • contact their GP
  • order repeat prescriptions
  • manage long-term conditions
  • maintain your mental and physical wellbeing

Coronavirus (Covid19)

Electron microscope image of Covid 19 vurus

During the Coronavirus epidemic you will not be able to book surgery appointments online. We ask all patients to telephone the surgery if they want an appointment. Please be advised that we are not doing any routine work during the epidemic, and only dealing with more urgent problems that will not wait. We are attempting to satisfy as many queries as we can via a telephone call, rather than a face-to-face consultation, in order to reduce the spread of the virus. We have been told to work this way by NHS England.

The symptoms that should make you consider coronavirus are any of:

  • a new continuous cough
  • a high temperature
  • shortness of breath
  • a change in your sense of smell or taste

The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu and it does not necessarily mean you have the illness.

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital.

If you think you have symptoms of the virus, you and everyone in your household should isolate for 14 days. If you have any queries, or are wondering about getting tested you are advised to contact NHS 111 for more advice. They can also issue "self-isolation" sick notes to people affected and family members. NHS 111 is also extremely busy, and they request that those who can, use their online service do so, reserving the telephone service for those with no computer access.

Useful Coronavirus Links:

Charity Fundraising

This year, our coffee morning raised £213 for MacMillan cancer relief.

How are we doing?

We are continuing striving to make our service as good as possible. Health Watch is an organisation that is interested in gathering patient's views.

Telephone Repeat Prescription ordering service to stop

Picture of a prescription

Except in extreme circumstances from particularly vulnerable patients, the surgery only accepts telephone requests for prescriptions between the hours of 9am and 1pm. But from the 1st of December 2019, the surgery will cease to accept requests for repeat prescriptions over the phone
Read more

Extra support available

Do you know about Kirklees council's Community plus service? Community Plus works with people in our communities. It's all about helping and supporting people and families who might be struggling to lead a better life by connecting them with local resources, groups and individuals. Follow the link for more information.

Youth Health Talk is an organistion that concentrates on the needs of young people.

Thriving Kirklees

Thriving Kirklees is there to offer support for children, young people and families.

Charity fundraising - our "book and cake" "day

On the 12th April 2019 the surgery's patient participation group ran an event to raised money for the Forget me Not childrens hospice. We raised £130.30 altogether. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Saturday Morning Flu Clinic

On the morning of Saturday 6th October 2018, the surgery ran its annual flu imunisation clinic for eligible patients. During the session 369 people were vaccinated.

Please see our flu page for more information on flu jabs and eligibility for a free NHS flu tab.

Website update

New features added to website

This website is continuously kept upto date. The most frequent changes are on this "News" page. Some updates (for example updates as a result of the new GDPR regulations, on the privacy page) are made without anouncement.

This anouncement is to inform you about new feaures that have been added to the surgery website. On the Contents page, for example, there is now a search box to make it easier to find the content you're looking for. We've also added a handy pregnancy calculator to the Pregnancy page, and height and weight related calculators to the how to lose weight page.

NHS BirthdayNHS 70th Birthday

On the 5th July, 70 years ago, the National Health Service was launched in England. To find out more about how this occasion is being marked, click the logo.

In-house pharmacist

Clinical Pharmacist

A clinical pharmacist has joined the clinical team at Shepley Health Centre.

As part of the team, he can see and consult with patients directly (either over the phone or at a face-to-face appointment at the surgery), is able to prescribe, review and even alter repeat prescriptions. It is expected that his influence will improve the care of some patients with long-term conditions, give patients an extra place to seek advice, and improve the availability for GP's to to see patients to do what they do best, to diagnose and treat complex conditions.

Patient Wi-fi at the surgery

NHS wi-fi

We're pleased to announce that we offer free wi-fi internet access to all visitors to Shepley Health Centre. Set up is quick and easy. Please see the posters in the waiting room.

Charity Flu Clinic

Macmillan Logo

On Saturday 30th October the surgery opened its doors to do a flu clinic. We administered 371 vaccines that day. We'd like to encourage eligible patient who did not attend that session to contact the receptionist to get booked in for their vaccination.

Read more about flu jabs and eligibility here

Our patient Participation Group wanted to use the occasion to try raise money for McMillan cancer relief. And so, they hosted a coffee and cake morning. We managed to raised £422. Thank you to all who contributed and all those who gave up their time to help.

Travel Vaccinations

Picture of an aeroplane

Nowadays people are jetting off to more and more exotic locations. The surgery is happy to offer general travel advice, and through our travel immunisations service, we're happy to offer common vaccinations (such as typhoid, hepatitis A, tetanus) and preventative treatment against catching malaria. However, there are some more exotic vaccinations that we cannot offer, such as to rabies, yellow-fever and Japanese-encephalitis.
Read more

Wasted Appointments

In the Month of July 2019,there were 54 appointments where the patient failed to show up, (this was a typical number). This amounts to over 12 hours of wasted doctor and nurse time. We understand that sometimes conditions get better, or other engagements crop up and people cannot attend their appointment, but if this occurs we ask that you cancel the appointment with as much notice as you can give so that the appointment can be offered to other waiting patients.

Elective Surgery

The C.C.G. has decided to restrict or postpone elective surgery for smokers and overweight patients until they have stopped smoking or lost weight.

This is because the anaesthetic risks and the risks of complications are so much greater in these groups of patients. The long-term outcomes have been shown to be so much better in people who successfully stop smoking and lose weight.

Patients affected will be given a target and a timescale in which to achieve it.

Learn more about how to lose weight and services to aid quitting smoking.